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Lliga Set d'Urgell 2023
Tennis competition . 17 participants
Grup A (8)
Grup B (9)
Calendar / Brackets
Grup A
Lliga Grup A
Grup B
Lliga Grup B
Grup A
Lliga Grup A
Grup B
Lliga Grup B
Grup A
Grup B
Grup A (8)
Grup B (9)
Grup A
Lliga Grup A
Grup B
Lliga Grup B
Grup A
Lliga Grup A
Grup B
Lliga Grup B
Grup A
Grup B
Lliga Grup B
Grup B . 9 participants . From the Apr 1, 2023, 12:00 AM to the Sep 30, 2023, 12:00 AM
Lliga Grup A
Lliga Grup B
Away team
Carles Arocas
Jana Augé Rogé
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Martha Lilly
6-2 | 6-3
Clara Veganzones
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Alex Capdevila Planes
Gerardo Calzada
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Sergi Pla
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Jana Augé Rogé
Martha Lilly
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Clara Veganzones
Carles Arocas
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Martha Lilly
1-6 | 2-6
Alex Capdevila Planes
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Sergi Pla
Clara Veganzones
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Carles Arocas
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Gerardo Calzada
Martha Lilly
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Clara Veganzones
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Alex Capdevila Planes
Carles Arocas
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Jana Augé Rogé
Sergi Pla
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Arnau Valero Montserrat
7-5 | 6-2
Clara Veganzones
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Carles Arocas
Gerardo Calzada
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Jana Augé Rogé
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Sergi Pla
Alex Capdevila Planes
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Alex Capdevila Planes
Clara Veganzones
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Jana Augé Rogé
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Gerardo Calzada
Sergi Pla
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Alex Capdevila Planes
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Clara Veganzones
Jana Augé Rogé
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Sergi Pla
Martha Lilly
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Alex Capdevila Planes
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Gerardo Calzada
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Carles Arocas
Sergi Pla
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Martha Lilly
Carles Arocas
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Martha Lilly
6-0 | 6-0
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Gerardo Calzada
Arnau Valero Montserrat
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Jana Augé Rogé
Alex Capdevila Planes
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Carles Arocas
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Clara Veganzones
Gerardo Calzada
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Arnau Valero Montserrat
7-5 | 6-4
Martha Lilly
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Sergi Pla
Ainhoa Igual Tellaeche
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
Gerardo Calzada
Jana Augé Rogé
Go to the match.
Go to the match.
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